We’re pleased to announce that the FIU Collegium Musicum has returned from its hiatus under the able direction of Juvenal Correa-Salas. Our concert will take place on Saturday March 23 at 7pm at the FIU School of Music Concert Hall. It will feature a variety of music exploring the influence of dance rhythms from the Medieval to Baroque eras.

The Miami International Guitar Festival under the direction of Mezut Ozgen continues its tradition of including early music among its offerings. On Tuesday February 19, in Lutorama, David Dolata will tour the audience through his lute collection explaining the differences among the instruments and will play a little bit on each one while displaying the tablature he reads from on the big screen.

On Thursday, February 21 flutist Sanna

At 6 pm on

Finally, at 7:30 pm on Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30 Palm Beach Atlantic University presents its Biennial Early Music Festival. Assisted by past and present members of FIU’s Collegium Musicum as well as David Dolata on lute, Friday’s concert presents early music selections from across Europe during the first half of the concert and Charpentier’s Te Deum for the second half. On Saturday join PBAU’s guest artists in a diverse program featuring predominantly woodwind repertoire with violin (Sandra Rubio) and harpsichord (Juvenal Correa-Salas) including works by Boismortier and Vivaldi. Both concerts take place at the DeSantis Family Chapel, 300 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33401.
For detailed information on these events either click on the dates on the calendar in the right sidebar or go to the calendar in the menu.
Please return to the calendar periodically as there are other events in the offing that have not yet been scheduled.
We hope to see you soon,
David Dolata on behalf of Juvenal Correa-Salas and the FIU Collegium Musicum.